Albert Didriksen

Year of Enrollment: 
Departmental Affiliation: 
Political Science

Albert Didriksen is a Probationary Doctoral Candidate in political theory at Central European University. His educational background includes studies in political science and philosophy, the former of which he holds a Master's degree in from the University of Oslo.

Between his master's and PhD studies, Albert worked as a lecturer at the University of Oslo, where he taught research design, qualitative and quantitative methods and political philosophy to undergraduate students. He has also worked as a research assistant at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, among other things, connected to a project about transatlantic relations from the EU’s perspective.

Albert’s research interests theories of justice, moral epistemology and decision-making under uncertainty. He combines these during his PhD research, defending utilitarianism as a political theory against common objections - especially those concerning moral aggregation.

Dissertation Topic